Not only is Nicole Byer a remarkably funny woman, she's also the latest celeb to launch a swimsuit line. Byer's dipping her toes into swimwear with Kitty and Vibe, a brand known for uniquely inclusive sizing, and, honestly, it's a match made in swimsuit heaven.
"They're a super-inclusive brand, and I really like that," Byer exclusively tells InStyle, adding that she loved the brand's aesthetic. So why a swimsuit line? "I love bathing suits. I wrote a whole book about wearing bathing suits," she says.
Bathing suit obsession aside, there's poignancy behind this collection for Byer. "Sometimes, me and my best friends like to buy matching swimsuits," she says, sharing that "being a fat woman, it's hard to find things to match your thinner friends. You go to a store, and it stops at an XL or a large or whatever [and] I'm like, 'What are you doing? Do you just not want money from fat people?' Fat money is the same as thin money."